Check in, goals and community story

Christmas is looming and has been keeping me busy, although I’m pleased to report that all my Christmas shopping is done. Just need to the make the mince pies today (a British tradition).

I have been keeping up with my writing goals, though. Managed to do two scenes every day except Thursday — an extra busy day. This morning I did five scenes, and my goal of completing the revision by the end of the year is looking very doable. Phew! To be honest, a few times, when I got stuck over what to do with the messed up structural parts, I wasn’t sure I’d make the goal.

I’m realizing now, however, that because I had to fix so many structural problems with the story in this revision, many scenes are first drafts. So, after I’m done with this revision, I’m going to take a quick break and then start again from the beginning, this time making sure the writing is as good as it can be.

I’ve also been slow on adding my own starter paragraph to the community story. Others have posted their offerings in the comments here. Mine is below. But there’s still plenty of time to add a new one. After the holidays are behind us, I’ll list them all and we can vote on the start of our community story.

Ok, here goes. An starter paragraph from me:

Sarah knew all about ice. She knew it happened when the air got really cold and your breath turned into smoke. She knew it was hardened water and would melt in the spring. She knew it could make icicles that were as sharp as needles. What she didn’t know, until now, was that a face could be buried in it.

Add your starter paragraphs or sentences in the comments on this post or the original, and they’ll be added to the vote in the new year.

And let me know, are you achieving your end of year goals? Congrats, if you are. But don’t worry if you’re not. The important thing is to keep writing.

Write On!

3 Responses

  1. mand says:

    Congrats, for keeping your morale up and your focus focused (!) as well as for the actual work. 80) Off to have a look at that community story now…

  2. Thanks, Mand!

  3. Jamie says:

    Yeah very very cool !

    Looking forward to the community story 🙂

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