Current word count: 17,995
Words written today: 647
Words til goal: 22,005 / 360 words a day til the end of September
Additional writing: revised chaper 21 and figured out that chapter 22 should really be folded into 23. That’s next.
The new Author’s Website page is up, and you can see it through that link or in the nav bar.
I started this after yesterday’s post about Gwen Cooper’s new website, which looks awesome. And the new page includes her site as well as the websites of those writers who posted their site addresses in the comments. If you’d like yours included, post a comment here or on the Authors Website page and I’ll add them to the list. I’ll also add other author websites as I find them. I think it’s useful to be able to check out websites for authors.
The list has two unpublished writers, and I think it’s great to include them too.
I don’t have a website for myself as yet, although I do have one for my Sir Newton Books,, and I have a brief bio on there.
I’ve heard that it’s a good idea to set up a website for yourself before you’re published, but I’m not sure where I stand on that. It can’t hurt, I don’t think. But is it necessary? I’m not sure. I have this blog, and I think that’s enough promotion for me for now.
But what do you guys think?
Write On!
4 Responses
I would like to have my website including, although I’m not published yet, either…would that be OK?
It is on there, Beth:
Samantha, seems like you’re doing well and the writing (and revising). My challenge is going well too — only 11K words left to goal!
As far as websites, I think having a blog is good so that people can find you and get to know what kind of projects you’re working on–that’s how I found you!
Congrats, Karen! That’s awesome. Write On!