Writing creates writing

Current word count: 19,901

New words written: 1,067

Words til goal: 20,099 / 436 words a day til the end of September

I had a good writing day and made my weekend goal in one day. Yay! Hopefully I can do the same tomorrow. We’ll see. The story is coming together again now that the characters are clearer. It makes such a difference.

But I’ve noticed two interesting things:

1. Although this novel is steaming along, I must admit, as I get closer to the third act, I am nervous I’ll mess it up. I felt the same way when I was writing my first novel, intimidated by the ending. There’s a voice deep at the back of my head that says, Ok, so you’ve been doing all right up to now, but there’s no way you’re going to write a really great ending, the kind readers will remember and cherish and want to read over and over again.

I’m ignoring this voice, keeping it far away. But it’s there. And I every time I write, I think, just see what the characters are doing today. Of course, my subconcious knows that with every word I write, I’m closer to that intimidating ending. I just won’t think about that.

Do you have this problem?

2. Last week, I had an idea for a new novel, and added it to my list of ideas. But it keeps creeping in. The characters are waving at me, not too close, but they’re there. The idea keeps popping into my head, and expanding. It’s as though my brain is on a creative streak, and I think it’s mostly due to the continued writing. I think writing creates more writing. When I started writing my second novel, it gave me a creative boost that helped me go back and revise my first novel — for the better, I think. Writing creates writing.

I’m beginning to feel addicted. 🙂

Do you?

Write On!


What do you think?