Launch day for Homer’s Odyssey

Current word count: 27,525

New words written: 1,122

Words til goal: 12,475 / 347 words a day til the end of September

I got a lot of words done this morning, but I’m working on a tricky chapter and I’m not sure how it’s turning out. We’ll see in the revision. My full word count compared to yesterday’s doesn’t match the new words written today because yesterday I went through the first chapter to get it ready to take to my critique group for last night’s meeting, and I ended up cutting a couple paragraphs. My critique group really seemed to like the first chapter and the premise for the story, though, so that’s really exciting.

HomerOdysseyBookCoverToday is the launch day for Homer’s Odyssey by Gwen Cooper, a friend of mine who you might have read about on this blog. Homer is Gwen’s eyeless cat, who has been an inspiration to Gwen and is now an inspiration to the readers who’ve already read this book. If you didn’t catch my earlier posts on Gwen’s new book, here’s one about her cool website and another with the book trailer. I’m so excited for her. A wonderful day.

Gwen has a great story behind her publication of this book, which you can read more about in her article on Open Salon yesterday. She’ll also be on Day By Day Writer with Sept. 11, with a special tribute guest post about her experience with Homer and her other cats on Sept. 11, 2001 (they live in New York City, and the cats were trapped in her apartment) and how she brought that into Homer’s Odyssey.

Later, we’re also going to do an interview with Gwen about her road to publication with her first novel, Diary of a South Beach Party Girl, and now Homer’s Odyssey. It’s a great, inspirational story, so stay tuned.

If you like animal books, and especially cats, check out Homer’s Odyssey. The book has already gained a solid fan base, as Gwen has been giving out some earlier ARCs to cat-loving fans. Check out the great reviews on

You’ll be celebrating your launch day soon enough. And I’ll be happy to write about it. 🙂

Write On!

5 Responses

  1. Whoever is responsible for placing Gwen’s book on display at Barnes and Noble should get a huge thank you! I read your blog in the morning, walked in to Barnes and Noble that afternoon and it was the first thing I saw, beautifully on display at the front of the store!

  2. Awesome! Thanks for letting us know.

  3. Gwen Cooper says:

    Hey there–Gwen Cooper here, wondering what city that Barnes & Noble was in. I always like to know what’s happening outside of New York. Thanks!!!


    • Hey! It’s the Barnes & Noble in Denton, Texas. Your book looks great, and I look forward to reading it! I love cats, so it’s of particular interest to me! Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishment! 🙂

      • Gwen Cooper says:

        Oh, neat! Hello to you in Texas! I love hearing about people seeing the book in other parts of the country.


        Many thanks for the kind words. I hope you enjoy the book!

What do you think?