Current word count: 38,753 New words written: 1,205 Words til goal: 1,247 / 78 words a day til the end of September
Down to less than 100 words a day needed to meet my goal. Yay! But this word count is actually for Saturday’s writing, because I didn’t write either yesterday or today, but I’ll be back on track tomorrow and hope to have this book finished by the end of the week.
Doing some research this weekend, I stumbled on a new blog — new for me, that is — Hook Kids On Reading. I love the concept of this blog: “Where parents and children’s writers come together with the goal of finding or writing books that hook reluctant readers — especially boys.”
Getting kids hooked on reading is a wonderful thing, and to live up to the task, books really need to speak to the kids and the draw them in, be it through some sort of magical adventure or simply the same every day struggles the readers are experiencing. And recognizing the books that do this is great for parents who want to encourage their kids to read.
It’s also really useful for writers. I’ve heard so often that writers learn so much through reading, and it’s true. I have found that in my own writing, with my work taking off when I’m inspired by whatever I’m reading at the moment.
It’s also very helpful for writers to read the books that kids are enjoying in the genres the writer is writing. I’m writing middle-grade urban fantasy, so the last few years, I’ve been working my way through various middle-grade bestsellers. I’m currently re-reading the Harry Potter series, but I’ve also devoured most of the Gregor the Overlander series and the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and have started the Sisters Grimm series.
I’m always on the look out for books that are good at pulling in a reader, so I’m going to add some of the books I see on the Hook Kids on Reading blog to my to-read list.
How do you find books to read?
Write On!
3 Responses
I’m going to have to check out that blog. Thanks for sharing.
One of the ways I have found books to read is by working (volunteering) in my son’s school library. I’ve been doing this for six years and one of the best things about it is when excited kids show me their favorite books and tell me all about them. When the library can’t keep a particular book or series on the shelves, I know it is a must-read.
My pleasure, Beverley.
Vonna, thanks! That’s a great idea. Nothing’s better than getting recommendations from the young readers themselves.