Current word count: 44,261 New words written: 1,553 Words til goal: 0 / ? words a day til the end of September I finish
Got through most of the story climax today. Just have one more adventure part then the final wrap up chapter. I will DEFINITELY be finished by the end of the this week, I think. 🙂
I browsed through some emails today too and found some great links I wanted to share. First, a great idea from Publishers Weekly: National Bookstore Day. The day to celebrate book-selling and the culture of bookstores is Nov. 7, so get ready to party.
Writers Digest is holding a conference right now and, lucky for us, blogging about every minute. Check out the Official Writers Digest Conference blog. I haven’t had a chance to look through it all yet, but there’s plenty to chew on.
Finally, if you want to find out Dan Brown’s secret to success, Slate offers up an interactive Dan Brown plot generator that will give you a plot so you too can write a Dan Brown book. Have fun.
What have you been up to?
Write On!