Families and writing

Done today: preparing

Revision remaining: 169 pages (entire book)

Daily pages needed to be finished by end of November: 3.4

My revision is still getting off to a slow start, but I finished the preparation Holly Lisle suggests in her One-Pass Manuscript Revision, so tomorrow I should begin going through pages. I’ll let you know how it comes along.

Today I’m participating in a mass blogging! WOW Women On Writing has gathered a group of blogging buddies to write about family relationships. Why family relationships? We’re celebrating the release of Therese Walsh‘s debut novel today. The Last Will of Moira Leahy (Random House, October 13, 2009) is about a mysterious journey that helps a woman learn more about herself and her twin, whom she lost when they were teenagers. Visit The Muffin to read what Therese has to say about family relationships and view the list of all my blogging buddies. And make sure you visit Therese’s website to find out more about the author.

So, in celebration of this book launch, I’m writing about families and writing.

Having support from family and friends as a writer is priceless. Writing is wonderful, uplifting, inspiring and brings lots of joy. But it also can be solitary, frustrating and lead to lots of self-doubt. Unless we’re writing with a partner — something I’ve never done — we’re often the only ones creating the story, deciding on the words, developing the characters and plot. If we don’t have anyone else to talk to about the book, any problems that arise have to be solved by us as we’re the only ones who know all the ins and outs that are necessary. And if we can’t figure out all these things by ourselves, and make them into a product that’s publishable, we face frustration and can easily doubt our abilities.

Those are the times when we need supportive voices around us, voices that confirm that we’re not wasting our time, encourage us to keep going, help us wade through all the story ideas and figure out the best versions of the plot.

I’m very blessed to have a husband who does just that. When I was struggling to finish my first novel, he encouraged to stick with it. When I typed The End, he insisted we go out to dinner to celebrate. When I’d finished the revision, he spent an afternoon reading it and giving me feedback. (Thankfully, he loved it. 🙂 ) And now, as I go through the agent submission process with my first novel and revise my second novel, my husband continues to support me, and I’m very grateful.

Another great source of support is critique groups, where we find writer just like us. If you aren’t participating in a critique group right now, go and find one. I highly recommend it.

Who’s your biggest writing supporter?

And, check back on Nov. 13 for an interview with Therese Walsh.

Write On!


4 Responses

  1. Sandie Lee says:

    Great Blog. I really enjoyed your writing 🙂

  2. Thanks, Sandie. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

  3. LuAnn Morgan says:

    I have so many writing supporters … both family and friends! Of course, my husband is probably my biggest supporter. When I have an event to cover for the local newspaper, he’s right there by my side, carrying my notepad and camera. Now, that’s dedication!

  4. mand says:

    I had the impression these supportive husbands didn’t exist…

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