Revision update: On chapter 21/22 out of 30. I got chapter 21 done yesterday but wasn’t truly satisfied with it, nor the beginning of chapter 22. Then at the end of the day, when I was walking our dog (a great time to think), I figured out what I think is a solution. So I’ll be trying that today. I’m not sure it’ll be better, but it can’t hurt to try.
The blogosphere has had some great posts on the craft of writing lately, so I wanted to share some of the ones I’m enjoying.
Writer Anita Nolan has been doing a series on writing in scenes, with part 1 on how to write with scenes, part 2 on the elements of a scene and part 3 on scene endings.
Andrea Brown agent Mary Kole has been giving critiques on novel beginnings on her blog. The Workshop Submission posts are really interesting, as Mary shows the writer’s work and intersperses her analysis. I’ve linked to Mary’s first post, but she has five up, so click forward to read them all. It’s very interesting.
Author Larry Brooks‘ has been writing a great series on what elevates a story to greatness. In his first post, he discusses empowering ways to think about your story; the second is about the power of “arena;” the third, taking the reader for the ride of their life; fourth, your favorite “vicarious” ride; and five, variables to consider.
Write On!
2 Responses
Thanks for the mention!
My pleasure, Anita. Thanks for your great posts. 🙂