Agent news: Marissa Walsh

Manuscript update: After two pretty good writing sessions, I’m up to 7,214 words, so 2,260 in the last two days. Wow, that’s actually better than I thought. Got to write 1,025 words per day to make my goal of finishing by the end of May. Phew! We’ll see.

Back in March, I told you that former editor Marissa Walsh had started her own agency, Shelf Life Literary.

But now, the news is, Fine Print Literary Management has hired Marissa as an agent, specializing in children’s books (picture books, middle grade and young adult), pop culture, memoir, humor and narrative nonfiction.

A writer herself (Girl With Glasses: My Optic History and A Field Guide to High School), Marissa worked as an editor at Delacorte Press/Random House Children’s Books for seven years. She also teaches children’s writing at Gotham Writer’s Workshop.

More details of the types of books she’s looking for and how to query are on the Fine Print Literary website.

2 Responses

  1. Don says:

    I like your manuscript updates! I usually don’t get a chance to write but maybe a couple times a week. I like to look at the word count go up too. Right now (I’m writing my third novel) I seem to be stuck in a… let me re-read this and edit mode and I’m out of time by the time I get to any new areas. Oh well…I’ll get the word count up when I get out of this writers block. 🙂

  2. Thanks, Don. I like seeing the word count go up too. 🙂

    I’m on my third novel too, and with all three, I’ve had places where I got stuck. But with the second two, that has happened less often. One of things that really changed that for me is writing every day. When I write every day, the story is in my head so much more and I don’t have to re-read what I did before. I set my alarm for 4am and try to drag myself out of bed by 5am to get my writing done.

    The second thing is stopping my writing when I still have things to write. By writing at 5am, I have to stop at 6:30 or 7, and I try to always stop at point where I know what’s going to happen next. Then I write some notes for myself for tomorrow and stop. When I come back the next day, I already know where I’m headed, so it makes it a lot easier.

    Good luck with yours.

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