Our dogs Peanut Butter Buttons and Annie hanging out with me as I write on the couch.
I began writing THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST when we were living in Houston, but to answer the day 15 prompt for #18DaystoMGDebut, I finished the first draft and wrote most of the revisions here in Austin in the same house where I’m typing this now.
I’m not much of a coffee shop writer, as I tend to get distracted by other people walking in and out, so I mostly write at home in the most interesting place possible … my couch. 🙂
Okay, so maybe it’s not the most awe-inspiring place to write a novel, but the company is the best. These two furballs in the picture decided that the window at the end of the couch is their favorite place in our house. It does have the best view of the squirrels. And when they’re not spying on the invading wildlife, they listen to me work out sentences and story out loud. They haven’t run into another room yet, so I think that means they’d give my book a good review.
Do you have furry friends who help with your work?
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