My writing fuel: Guittard Extra Dark Chocolate Chips.
I don’t know what it is about snacking and writing, but they go together so well. It’s a good thing I also like to write on the treadmill, because for day 13 of #18DaystoMGDebut, my preferred snack that fueled the writing of THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST are extra dark chocolate chips from Guittard.
Of course, any chocolate will do as well. And potato chips are always welcome. Popcorn, sure… But these Guittard chocolate chips are the best. I munched on them as I developed the characters, figured out the story structure, and re-worked the plot points. I’m working on a new middle-grade novel now, and packs of Guittard extra dark chocolate chips are kept handy.
What’s your favorite snack to munch on while you work?
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