Happy Book Birthday to BREAKOUT!
This young adult novel is THE MAZE RUNNER meets THE MATRIX. Six days. That’s the amount of time until Lezah’s execution. She’ll die never knowing what got her locked up in this godforsaken prison in the first place. Her only chance of survival is to escape. Except the monitoring bracelet that digs into her wrist, the roaming AI, and the implant in her neck make freedom close to impossible. Her best chance is to team up with the four other inmates who are determined to break out, even if one of them is beyond (gorgeous) annoying—oh, and in for murder. But he has a secret of his own. One that could break Lezah if she finds out, but could also set him free.
We’re so happy you’re at our party for BREAKOUT. Join in the fun…
Alcatraz island. Sounds a little creepy, I know. But BREAKOUT is set in San Francisco of the future when sea levels have risen, so while Alcatraz itself is gone, a new island is created much in the same way. So this just seems like the most appropriate place to get the full experience.
The hot band of the time in BREAKOUT is called AI Rebellion – so they would probably have to headline. Then it would be up-beat fast tempo dance music for sure.
Food in the future is pretty different from the food today. So while the music would be jammin’, we’d probably have to survive on meal replacement bars, dried fruits and maybe there’d be some canned meat of some kind. We’d either drink from bottles that siphon water from the air and purify it or I bet we could come up with some kind of “party drink” with all the technology they have in the future.
I mean it would be in a prison at night, so I feel the best game would be hide and seek with flashlights. Simple yet creepily exciting
Yikes. I mean you would get to leave–so that is a gift in it of itself, right?
BREAKOUT is written by A.M. Rose and published by Entangled Teen. You can buy this book at the retailers below…

A. M. Rose
A.M. Rose is the author of ROAD TO EUGENICA and is the writer of young adult novels of all genres as long as there’s a hint of romance (and kissing, there has to be kissing). She prefers walking to running, coffee to tea (although she does enjoy a nice Earl Grey with a touch of milk and sugar), and believes cheese should be its own food group. A.M. graduated from San Diego State University with a BA in Communication and a minor in Magical Creature Studies. (If you see a unicorn with purple spots, proceed with caution.) For more shenanigans, visit her online at www.amroseauthor.com or follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
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