This middle-grade novel is the second in the series. Brave warrior, bloodthirsty villain, vicious lass, wolf’s head—Drest can see herself in most of the names she’ s been called, except the last. Wolf’s head. It’s a sentence of death-without-trial that’s been decreed by the ruler of Faintree Castle: the traitor Sir Oswyn. And one of his knights is determined to earn the sentence’s rich reward. It’s also a sentence that Drest tries to keep secret when her father and brothers (the Mad Wolf and his war-band) flee the castle men who are hunting them, leaving her in a village to protect the deposed and wounded young Lord Faintree. But word of the wolf’s head travels, and Drest is soon in grave danger. Unless she’s willing to run for the rest of her life or hide as an ordinary maiden, her only hope is for Lord Faintree to regain his power and reverse the sentence. Drest must decide who she really is and how much longer she is willing to risk her life before Sir Oswyn’s knight catches his wolf.
We’re so happy you’re at our party for THE HUNT FOR THE MAD WOLF’S DAUGHTER. Join in the fun…
We’re in a Scottish castle by the sea, with the roaring waves crashing on the cliffs outside. The party is in the Great Hall. Picture lime-washed walls gleaming white beneath brightly-colored tapestries, with huge trestle tables set down along the floor. There’s quite a crowd, all medieval folk, dressed in vivid blue and green and red (a handful, only the most wealthy, wear purple). We’re sitting at the head table by the hearth looking over the hall, where the chatter and noise is almost overwhelming!

Victoria sponge with raspberry jam!
Scottish music! A big occasion like this would bring in some talented performers. Let’s cross eras and have Chris Stout and Catriona McKay playing fiddle and harp: https://youtu.be/B53A75qfPZU
You’re among Scottish medieval guests, and so we’ll serve something that you’d both like. Medieval people liked their sweets heavy and with strong flavors, so about about a Victoria sponge! Here’s my own version with raspberry jam and a dollop of homemade whipped cream.
This book’s protagonist Drest and her brothers all love swords, so I think some exhibition swordplay would be appropriate. And I suspect Drest would give lessons!
We’ll be giving away medieval medallions carved in wood to everyone who come…and book swag! (I can provide the latter easily.)
THE HUNT FOR THE MAD WOLF’S DAUGHTER is written by Diane Magras and published by KD Books/Penguin Young Readers. You can buy this book at the retailers below…

Diane Magras
Diane Magras is the award-winning author of the NYT Editors’ Choice THE MAD WOLF’S DAUGHTER, as well as this book, its companion novel, THE HUNT FOR THE MAD WOLF’S DAUGHTER. She grew up on Mount Desert Island in Maine surrounded by woods, cliffs, and the sea. She’s more than a little addicted to tea, toast, castles, legends, and most things medieval. These days, she lives with her husband and son and thinks often of Scotland, where her books take place. You can find her on Twitter (@dianemagras) most often or on my website (www.dianemagras.com).
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