Category: Blog

12 Days to Release: Rejected Titles

For day 12 of #18DaystoMGDebut, the prompt is rejected titles for THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST, and that means I have to make a confession: I’m terrible at coming up with titles. The original title for this story had a spoiler, so I won’t share the whole thing, but it started with The…
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13 Days to Release: Snack That Fueled Writing the Book

I don’t know what it is about snacking and writing, but they go together so well. It’s a good thing I also like to write on the treadmill, because for day 13 of #18DaystoMGDebut, my preferred snack that fueled the writing of THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST are extra dark chocolate chips from…
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14 Days to Release: Strangest Place I Worked on the Book

When I saw the prompt for day 14 of #18DaystoMGDebut, strangest place I worked on THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST, the answer came to me straight away: the Lodge of Death. Twice a year, a group of writer friends rent out a lodge on a lake and spend a weekend silently writing, with…
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15 Days to Release: Place Where I Wrote Most of the Book

I began writing THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST when we were living in Houston, but to answer the day 15 prompt for #18DaystoMGDebut, I finished the first draft and wrote most of the revisions here in Austin in the same house where I’m typing this now. I’m not much of a coffee shop…
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16 Days to Release: Place That Inspired the Book’s Setting

For day 16 of #18DaysToMGDebut, I’m talking about what inspired the book’s setting. THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST opens in one of my favorite places: a beach, golden sand stretching out against a never-ending blue ocean, with waves creeping up then retreating, creeping and retreating. I grew up in the Caribbean, and the…
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17 Days to Release: Favorite Comp Title

For day 17 of #18DaysToMGDebut, I’m talking about my favorite comp title for THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST. When I was first pitching this book, my comp titles were HATCHET by Gary Paulsen meets TV’s LOST. Pretty accurate, I think, and I love both of these. Gary Paulsen’s HATCHET is about a 13-year-old…
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18 Days to Release: Novel Aesthetic

THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST comes out in stores in 18 days! And that means I get to start my own #18DaysToMGDebut countdown. If you haven’t seen it, the #18DaysToMGDebut hashtag was developed by the lovely Laurie Morrison, a fellow 2018 middle-grade debut author whose book, EVERY SHINY THING, co-written with Cordelia Jensen,…
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Beast Comes Out in 1 Month — and I Never Thought It Would

Saturday marked the one month pre-versary of the release of THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST and there are so many thoughts running through my head and emotions in my heart. I’ve loved stories since I was a kid. I was obsessed with spending as much time as possible at the library. No amount…
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Thank You Independent Bookstores

Last Saturday was National Independent Bookstore Day, and while I was busy with the Austin SCBWI 2018 Writers & Illustrators Working Conference all weekend, I didn’t want a week to go by without a celebration. Along with libraries, independent bookstores are the backbone of the publishing industry and the best friends of authors and readers.…
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Win a Book and Choose the Author

As THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST gets closer to its June 26 release date, I want to thank the amazing authors who took the time to read a galley of my book and write their thoughts. And what better way to thank them than to give away their books? That’s right, they get…
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