Category: Revising

Day 27

And I’m back on track! As promised, for the much belated day 27 of my unofficial participation in National Novel Writing Month, I got up early and finished my outline/timeline. That exercise has proved priceless. I now have a plan for the plot points that I was stumbling over. And I found solutions to a lot…
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Day 25 and 26 and Authors Read

Forgot to check in for my unofficial participation in National Novel Writing Month yesterday, so this is a double post. I wrote both days, but yesterday, after still going back and forth about the plot line of my novel, I decided to try a new tack. I needed something that could better help me see…
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Day 24

Quick check in for day 24 of my unofficial participation in National Novel Writing Month to say that I wrote for a bit this morning, but I’m already behind on my new goal of two sections revised each week. Everytime I get to a new section, I second guess myself based on what I had…
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Day 20 and new goals

Another quick post today to just check in for my unofficial participation in National Novel Writing Month. The rewrite is coming along, but as it’s coming along so slowly, I’ve decided to set myself a new short-term goal: A must revise at least two sections each week. It should be doable if I stick to…
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Day 19

Just a quick post today to check in on day 19 of my unofficial participation in National Novel Writing Month. I did write today, but only for about 30 minutes. Got some good stuff done, but not much. That has been the case for the past few days: good writing, but not too much of…
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Day 18 and it’s all in the details

Today, for day 18 of my unofficial participation in National Novel Writing Month, I went back and started revising one of the middle chapters I just wrote. I had planned to do this later, but after looking at my original chapter plan, I found some fun ideas that I had forgotten and decided to put…
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Day 16 and reading books

All’s going well in my continued unofficial participation of National Novel Writing Month. This morning I was back to revising chapters I had already written in my first draft. Everything was going well until I started looking back at my original layout for the book and realized some of my early ideas that weren’t used…
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Day 15 and Brazos Valley SCBWI Conference Part 3

No writer’s block anymore! At least for now. I got up this morning, day 15 in my unofficial participation of National Novel Writing Month, and the words swam out. I’m almost done fixing the middle mess I had from the first draft, and my first and second halves are almost completely sewn together. I don’t…
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Day 14 and Brazos Valley SCBWI Conference Part 2

I was off work today, so I managed to get more writing done than usual in day 14 of my unofficial participation in National Novel Writing Month. Like any day that start out clear, mine quickly got filled up and I spent the morning running errands. But I was back at my computer at 1:30, feeling fresh…
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Day 13 and Brazos Valley SCBWI report part 1

I missed writing Saturday because of the Brazos Valley SCBWI conference, and Sunday I was tired and took the day off. I know, missed days in my unofficial participation of National Novel Writing Month, but as it’s UNofficial, I’ll just count this as day 13 and keep going until I get to day 30. Daily check in:…
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