Tag: Young Adult

Book Birthday Bash: The Midnights

  Happy Book Birthday to THE MIDNIGHTS! Taking place in Southern California, young-adult novel THE MIDNIGHTS is about an aspiring musician struggling to hold onto herself and her music after her father’s unexpected death uproots more than just long-buried family secrets. We’re so happy you’re at our party for THE MIDNIGHTS. Join in the fun……
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Book Birthday Bash: Road to Eugenica

  Happy Book Birthday to ROAD TO EUGENICA! In this young adult novel, there are two dimensions – And the girl who connects them. Yesterday, Drea Smith couldn’t do anything spectacular—even walking and texting at the same time was a challenge. But today, she suddenly has more answers than Google, can speak and understand numerous languages,…
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Book Birthday Bash: Keeper

  Happy Book Birthday to KEEPER! Welcome to the book birthday bash for Kim Chance’s young adult novel KEEPER! We’re so glad you’re here! When a 200-year-old witch attacks her, sixteen-year-old bookworm Lainey Styles is determined to find a logical explanation. Even with the impossible staring her in the face, Lainey refuses to believe it—until…
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Book Birthday Bash: Gunslinger Girl

  Happy Book Birthday to GUNSLINGER GIRL! In this young adult novel, seventeen-year-old Serendipity “Pity” Jones inherited two things from her mother: a pair of six shooters and perfect aim. To escape her abusive father and a dead-end life, she runs away, only to end up in the most decadent, dangerous city on the continent:…
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2018 Will Be a Great Year For Books

What a year 2017 has been. At the end of January, I got two offers on my middle-grade novel THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST and now the book has a publisher, a cover (isn’t it pretty?!), a jacket, chapter illustrations, and it’ll be on shelves in six months from today! It feels like…
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Cover Reveal! Riptide by Lindsey Schiebe

The launch of a new book is the greatest thing, but when it’s the debut book from a new author, it’s especially sweet. That’s why I’m THRILLED (yes, it deserves all caps) to be part of the cover reveal for author Lindsey Schiebe‘s first young adult novel Riptide. Here’s the description of the book: 17-year-old…
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Book categorization: Protagonist’s age or story’s theme?

I’ve been mulling over this post for a while, ever since I read Salon‘s Laura Miller praising two young adult novels, John Green‘s The Fault in Our Stars and Meg Rosoff‘s There Is No Dog. Not that I have any objection to her praise. On the contrary, what concerned me is the reason for their classification…
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Author Recommendations

For my last post in Random Acts of Publicity Week, I’m sending out some love to my author friends: Jaqueline Kelly‘s debut novel, The Evolution of Capurnia Tate, won the 2010 Newbury Award. The book tells the story of an 11-year-old girl who takes an interest in nature as she learns what’s it means to…
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Book Recommendation: Dreaming Anastasia

I interviewed author Joy Preble back when her first novel, Dreaming Anastasia, was released, but I didn’t read the book until recently — and I’m glad I did. Today, it’s my entry for Random Acts of Publicity Week. The young adult book blends history with the paranormal, telling the story of Anne Michaelson. Her dreams…
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Book Recommendation: The Death Catchers

For today’s entry in Random Acts of Publicity Week, I’m recommending another book I picked up at the Texas Library Association conference, the young adult novel The Death Catchers by Jennifer Anne Kogler. Initially, I must admit, I wasn’t too interested in the book. The cover looked to me like the novel was a Hunger…
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